Jeremy Leung is a New York City-based illustrator and art director.

You can contact him directly ︎︎︎ 




Yun Hai Shop, A Taiwanese General Store




Creative direction: Jeremy Leung
Illustration and design: Jeremy Leung
Production: Jeremy Leung
Faciliators: Lisa Cheng-Smith, Lillian Lin
Photography: Sebit Min
Food vendors: Mama Liang’s, Kace Tea, Sweet Bean Bakery, The Foundry Bakery


Conceptualizing and designing a hand-painted mural to celebrate the arrival of Mid-Autumn / Moon Festival, in collaboration with Yun Hai Shop.


Yun Hai Shop is a Brooklyn-based pantry store that sources directly from artisans, farms, and breweries in Taiwan. Owned by Lisa Cheng-Smith and Lillian Lin, the shop connects small Taiwanese food purveyors with a U.S. audience. I had the honor of designing and installing a hand-painted mural for their annual Mid-Autumn Festival, which also served as the backdrop for a pop-up event I co-hosted. The pop-up featured food, drinks, sweets, and warm Taiwanese hospitality.


The mural centered on three key elements: a full moon, rabbits, and a large willow tree. The Jade Rabbit, a symbol of selflessness and sacrifice in Chinese mythology, was a focal point. I aimed for a calming, inviting design to draw customers into the retail space. Spanning over 7 feet wide and 33 inches high, I designed the concept in Photoshop, plotted it on the glass as a stencil, and completed the mural in two days.


The pop-up event was held on September 17th, 2024 and was the store’s most attended event to date with over 150 people in attendance. 

Process shots

Event photos